Wrapping A Curved Reception Desk using the Architectural film

Wrapping A Curved Reception Desk using the Architectural film

Discover the artistry and precision of wrapping a curved reception desk with architectural film! Follow along as Randy demonstrates the step-by-step process, showcasing expert techniques such as the double-cut butt joint on the curved surface. This detailed approach ensures a seamless and professional finish, perfect for transforming any workspace into a modern and stylish environment.

Watch and learn the tips and tricks for tackling curved surfaces with ease and confidence, turning challenging projects into stunning results.

See more patterns here. https://www.rmwrapsstore.com/

Architectural Film Squeegee


  • Ergonomic shape & rigid design allow for higher and more uniform pressure across the film during application.

  • Wider surface area than most squeegees allows sticking down of more material per pass, speeding up install.

  • Guide arrows meant to be gentle reminders of proper squeegee angle to minimize air bubbles.

  • 1/8” squeegee thickness, allowing the squeegee to double as a spacer/blade guide for flush cutting at recessed corners and/or creating straight, clean overlaps between perpendicular surfaces.

  • Engraved line for straight alignment of replacement felt.

  • Lanyard hole for use with wrist strap for drop avoidance.

  • Available in many acrylic colors and plywood finishes.


Wrapping Recessed Areas & Complex Compound Curves (Yacht Vanity)


Wrapping A Curved Ceiling using Architectural film